
Vanwyksdorp is enjoyed by mountain bikers of all levels of ability, with gradual short rides to Cape Epic-type routes available from town. E-biking recently posted a blog article about their time in Vanwyksdorp. Although there are countless routes, below are a few of the better-known tried, and trusted routes.

You can also take a look at the strava images alongside to guide you.

Strava 1: Vanwyksdorp to the 2nd Mond van Pietsrivier turnoff. Head north on the R327 on the Ladismith road for 15km to the 2nd turnoff for Mond van Pietsrivier, and back again.

Strava 2: Langberg loop. Head south on the R327 for 15km. Take the left fork to Herbertsdale. After 10kms take a right at the T-junction (signposted Riversdale). Travel along the foothills of the Langberg for another 10km and turn right at the next fork, back onto the Vanwyksdorp Rd for the final 25km.

Strava 3: Bosrivier loop and Rooiberg Lodge. Head south out of town on the R327 on the Riversdale rd. After 2km, take a left turn on the Karee Kamma Rd. After 4km, take a left turn (you will see a sign pointing to Cat and Cow Guest House). Continue this road for about 5km till you hit a T-junction. Turn right up a hill till you see the thatched entrance to Rooiberg Lodge. The Lodge is about 4km along this road. On your return home, do not take a left via the Bosrivier road, but return directly to Vanwyksdorp.

Strava 4: Vanwyksdorp to bottom of Rooiberg Pass. Head north on the Ladismith Rd for about 200m, then take a right turn on the Calitzdorp rd. Follow this road for 23km, till you reach the bottom of the Rooiberg pass. (For the very fit, you can continue another 6km for a grueling climb to the top of the Rooiberg Pass). On your way home, you can detour via the well signposted Rooiberg Lodge for a cup of coffee and Anna’s famous chocolate cake,

Strava 5: Bosrivier Loop: Head south out of town on the R327 on the Riversdale rd. After 2km, take a left turn on the Karee Kamma Rd. After 4km, take a left turn (you will see a sign pointing to Cat and Cow Guest House). Continue this road for about 5km till you hit a T-junction. Turn left back to town.

Dorsland MTB Challenge

When: 13 October 2018
Where: The Mall

Join us for this fun-filled MTB Event with gorgeous routes through farmlands.

  • 18 km | Easy Jeep Track & Gravel Road
  • 30km | 40% Gravel Road | 60% Jeep track
  • 71 km | 50% Gravel Road | 50% Jeep track

Jakhals Events
Facebook @JakhalsEvents

For online registration visit

Contact us

For more information on accompanied rides onto private farm property, please contact Van Wyksdorp Tourism.